The self-employed and independent professionals also need to insure the damages that arise in their offices or where they carry out their commercial activity.
Our material damage policies are designed to insure the buildings and contents of our commercial clients, offering protection against all major perils including fire, lightning, explosion, water damage, theft etc…

Self-employed traders / professionals seeking to insure their business premises and contents.
We offer the possibility of configuring the insurance according to your needs, but basically we offer two options: multi-risk and all-risk.
Multi-risk insurance is a defined risks policy which provides cover for all major perils, whereas an All Risks policy covers all eventualities unless specifically excluded.
Among the most important covers are:
- Fire, lightning explosion.
- Electrical damage.
Flood. - Theft.
- Water leakage.
- Rain, hail, wind and snow.
- Loss of profits as a result of a covered claim.
- Additional operating costs.
- Aesthetic damage.
We help you with your insurance
We will be happy to help you protect everything you need in your company.
Contact us for a personalised study.