Health insurance has become a key part of the family budget. Whether it is because of your obligation as a long term foreign resident or because you want a higher level of peace of mind for your family, Op de Beeck & Worth offers a wide range of products adapted to our clients, with English service if necessary and the best coverage.
Our wide range of national and international medical insurance solutions allows us to offer you a product that adapts to your protection needs and budget.
To all those people, individuals or families, who either require it by regulation to obtain a visa and residency; or want a higher level of protection.
If you are a foreigner and you are trying to obtain your residency visa in Spain or you are going to reside in Spain for more than three months, it is mandatory that the visa applicant has a mandatory medical insurance for foreigners, which provides full coverage and has been contracted with an insurance company operating in the country.
We have different types of insurance oriented to the needs of our clients:
Medical insurance The client has access to a medical directory of doctors, specialists, diagnostic tests and hospitals. The client only has to show his membership card and the service provided will be directly billed to the insurer.
Coverage under these premises is usually limited to Spain, although our proposals include limited coverage for emergencies abroad. This makes it ideal for people on a tight budget who do not travel that often.
Reimbursement This is the ideal solution for those seeking total flexibility and autonomy. It offers all of the standard medical coverage, but in addition there is freedom of choice of health care provider worldwide (subject to the territorial limitations imposed by your policy). You simply receive treatment (subject to prior approval by the insurer in certain cases), pay for it and submit the bill to your insurer for reimbursement.
We have companies that offer limits far in excess of what is standard in the marketplace.
Designed for those people with residences in different places and who wish to have access to the best health offer available in each place through a reimbursement offer with limits of up to 8 million euros.
The extent of coverage and limits will vary from insurer to insurer and plan to plan, however most policies adhere to certain standards:
- 24-hour primary care and emergency care.
- Medical specialties.
- Hospitalization and surgery.
- Diagnostic means.
- Therapeutic methods.
- Dental service.
- Health care in case of accidents at work and traffic accidents.
- Complementary coverage:
- Assisted reproduction.
- Health and preventive medicine programs.
- Family planning: IUD (up to 120 euros) and its implantation, tubal ligation and vasectomy.
- Psychology.
- Prosthesis.
- Reimbursement of umbilical cord maintenance expenses during the first six years.
- Reimbursement of medication expenses.
- Worldwide travel assistance in case of emergency, in trips of less than 180 days, with a limit of 20,000 euros per insured and year.
- Digital health services through app and telephone medical guidance lines, second medical opinion in case of serious illness and telemedicine services with general practitioners and specialists.
This is a complementary product to the health policy, designed for women. This product guarantees the payment of €30,000 if breast cancer is detected through a medical diagnosis. And unlike other insurance policies, it is insured from the initial or basic level (called “carcinoma in situ”).
It is quick and easy to take out. The annual premium varies according to age and from 56,60€ per year you can choose to LIVE with capital letters and take care of you and yours.
It is a unique complement to your health insurance or can also be contracted individually.
You can request more information here.
Assistance policies have no limit.
Reimbursement policies have limits ranging from 80% to 90% in Spain and abroad. The overall annual limits range from the simplest policy with €60,000 gross per year to €650,000 per year.
Close relationship with the main national and international operators.
We have been offering health policies for years.
There are two fundamental factors that influence customer satisfaction. One is the product: at Beeck & Worth's Op de Beeck & Worth brokerage we have agreements with major insurers and have collaborated in the creation of very complete insurance policies, which makes us offer the best options adapted to the protection and budgetary needs of our clients.
The second factor is service. We are aware that a full experience is not only having the best insurance, but also having the possibility of receiving the best advice with the best disposition whenever necessary.

We help you with your insurance
We will be happy to help you protect everything you need in your company.
Contact us for a personalised study.