An accident or illness which prevents a self employed person from working can have serious financial consequences for the individual.
At Op de Beeck & Worth we can help you find the right level of cover to protect you in the event that as consequence of accident or illness you are unable to work.

Independent or self-employed professionals who want to protect themselves and/or their family in the event of death, permanent or temporary disability as a result of an accident.
The personal accident insurance makes a single payment in the event of death or disability due to an accident. The payment is made to the beneficiaries designated in the policy.
This protection is generally used by younger people as a cheaper alternative to life insurance, although it should be stressed that a personal accident policy does not cover death or disability due to natural causes.
The level of cover provided will vary from provider to provider, but broadly speaking it includes the following coverages:
- Accidental death.
- Permanent disability.
- Temporary, permanent or partial disability.
- Hospitalization benefit.
In many cases, cover can be combined to create a very comprehensive insurance policy with:
- Dependency
Ask us about the temporary disability product for the self-employed
The covers of the accident product are:
- Death due to accident
- Simultaneous death of both spouses due to a traffic accident.
- Death due to myocardial infarction.
- Absolute Permanent Disability
- Total Permanent Disability
- Partial disability
- Daily indemnity for hospitalisation (365 days)
- Expenses for the refurbishment of the home due to permanent disability due to accident.
- Vehicle adaptation costs due to Permanent Disability due to Accident
- Funeral expenses
With different compensation options: 150.000€, 250.000€ and 350.000€.
For self-employed professionals the total annual premium starts at less than €100:
a) Classic. Total annual premium: 92 €.
- Death due to accident: 150.000 €.
- Absolute Permanent Disability: 150,000 €.
- Major Disability: €150,000.
- Burial expenses: 3,000 €.
b) Plus. Total Annual Premium: 173 €.
- Death due to accident: 250,000 €.
- Absolute Permanent Disability: €250,000.
- Major Disability: 250.000 €.
- Burial expenses: €3,000.
c) Premier. Total Annual Premium: 265 €.
- Death due to accident: €350,000.
- Absolute Permanent Disability: €350,000.
- Major Disability: €350,000.
- Burial expenses: 3.000 €.
Personal accident insurance makes a single payment in the event of death or disability due to an accident. In case of death, the payment is made to the beneficiaries designated in the policy. Life insurance pays out in the event of death due to natural causes or accidents.
The needs of protecting your and your family's income in case of an accident require the best advisor. You can leave us your information in the form below for us to call you back. Or you can call or write to us directly and tell us your needs.
We help you with your insurance
We will be happy to help you protect everything you need in your company.
Contact us for a personalised study.